ArtePollino2022 – Advocacy for the Future

On May 7, at 11 pm, researchers and activists CELESTE RIGHI RICCO and IRENE GHALEB will meet the students of “ISIS Sinisgalli” in Senise, involving them in the ADVOCACY FOR THE FUTURE workshop. They will have the opportunity to think about the problems caused by climate change and how to be responsible consumers. In the afternoon, at 5 pm, Celeste Righi Ricco and Irene Ghaleb will chat with the citizens of the southern area of Basilicata, in an open meeting at THE MULA+ Museum and Library of Latronico. 
Celeste Righi Ricco and Irene Ghaleb are co-founders of the Change For Planet association, created in 2020 by a group of young people coming from all Italian regions. The association’s main goal is to accelerate sustainable development by raising young people’s awareness on environmental issues, through meetings, events and educational projects, as well as by increasing climate literacy to have a real impact on local communities.
Both are European Climate Pact Ambassadors. The European Climate Pact is an EU-wide initiative that invites people, communities and organisations to build a greener Europe. The Pact’s ambassadors are people from different sectors of society from all over Europe, all committed to climate action.

Celeste Righi Ricco
Researcher in sustainable agriculture and activist. Co-founder of Change For Planet and the NGO Pensare Globalmente Agire Localmente (think globally, act locally), a non-profit association whose mission is to promote the United Nations Agenda 2030 through social involvement at local and national level. Celeste Righi Ricco is also one of the people selected by the European Commission to promote and disseminate to local communities the values and principles that inspire the Climate Pact. She is one of the European Climate Pact Ambassadors. In practice, each Ambassador has the task of organising events that will help citizens understand more clearly how the Pact works, as well as involve them in interactive activities to develop shared ideas and solutions.

Irene Ghaleb
Project Manager, responsible for the management and coordination of EIuniWell (a network of seven universities focusing on sustainability and well-being). Co-founder and Vice President of Change for Planet. She is a European Climate Pact Ambassador. Contact person of “Italia Che Cambia” in Glasgow during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as Cop26.

