Fardella Summer School

On 1st July, the Summer School 2020 for kids and teenagers is opening in Fardella, within the Pollino National Park. This project has been included by the municipality in the strategic programme of the “Mercure Alto Sinni Val Sarmento” area, supported by the ERDF, EAFRD and ESF funds for 2014-2020.
“This journey is going to last the entire month of July, when several activities are scheduled – says Antonietta Latronico, the Town Councillor for Culture of Fardella. Visits to the village and storytelling events will be led by the cultural association ArtePollino to further enrich the Museum of Words located in the old town centre. The museum will be enlarged, creating a so-called “Museo diffuso”, an open-air “museum outside the museum”, an extension of the exhibition that is currently housed in Palazzo De Donato. Other activities will include: jazz music for kids and teenagers by the MifaJazz association of Enzo Appella; drawings and comics with cartoonist Mauro Talarico, professor of the International Comics School in Rome; poetry with Beniamino Sidoti, a writer, semiologist and one of the most renowned Italian experts on playful teaching and reading, games and tales; street art with Andrea Ravo Mattoni, a street artist with a great passion for art history and the great painters of the past; English classes with Caroline Feetman, a native English-speaking teacher. An interdisciplinary Summer School, where we’d like to offer kids and teenagers a chance to take on challenges and enjoy the summer at their best. From the beginning – says Antonietta Latronico – we have been developing this project thinking about language learning, to give participants the opportunity to enjoy an entire month of activities and dialogue also in English. That’s because we think that the study and knowledge of foreign languages is essential. Moreover, we want to offer to those who in 2020 won’t be able to go abroad to study English because of the Covid19 emergency, a chance to learn the English language.
“The activities will be coordinated by ArtePollino, a cultural association that for more than twelve years has been active in enhancing the hinterland through art, culture, walking, sustainability and involvement of local communities to foster participation and sharing. These important elements are all present in the programme that our town government has adopted since it took office – says Domenica Orofino, Mayor of Fardella.
The project will be developed in various languages with two central ideas: words – games and words – images, which were the focus of the three days of events organised by the municipality of Fardella within the “Capital for one day for Matera 2019” programme last year. The activities of the Summer School have been designed to make people get in touch with each other, fostering dialogue and adding value to the cultural heritage of the town, that has selected the topic of Words, meant as narrative and memory.
Today, more than ever before, inner areas can become actual experimental laboratories. This collective work will help uncover stories that the community has been keeping for a long time and memories that haven’t been considered important or valuable until now. Instead, we know that “every experience is unique”, as Italo Calvino taught us.

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