Men’s action, Here and not elsewhere. The performance was displayed in the villages of Latronico, San Severino Lucano, Senise, Francavilla sul Sinni, San Paolo Albanese and Episcopia, involving citizens, students and a large group of embroideresses. Everyone was asked to tell a personal memory linked to this vast area in the Apennines, and provide pictures, drawings, photographs or other kinds of material. Out of this documentary material, the artist made some drawings and then transferred them onto fabrics, which were entrusted to the artisan wisdom of a group of women from Latronico.
They were asked by the artist to embroider the fabrics, add small pieces and create cushion structures to secure them. This collective operation first took place in Latronico, with the involvement of the embroideresses and all the citizens. Then, it was carried out during a final presentation in Senise, when participants were asked to fit the various embroidered and cushioned pieces into a single three-dimensional shape, – a hill or a cairn, that is a human-made pile of stones used as trail marker along a mountain path. Not elsewhere. Here.
Born in Piacenza in 1971, she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bolonia and at the University Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. She has exhibited her works both in Italy and abroad and has participated in various collective exhibitions.
Her investigation focuses on the relationship between men and the surrounding environment and the bonds between individuals and the community.
Claudia Losi’s work covers a kaleidoscope of projects that see art as a continuous process, with finished but elusive shapes. The light nature of her works reflects, in a poetic way, the richness and complexity of the world, searching for the extraordinary aspect that lies behind the most common objects, the processes of organic transformation, growth and change.
Her relationship with science and interest in nature, which have always played a key role in her work, helped focus her attention on the act of walking, understood as an artistic practice and ideal tool to think about landscape, from emotional and analytical perspectives.